Free shipping on US orders over $79

Returns & Refunds

Basic Returns

We provide a 30-day return policy for qualifying items that are new and in their original packaging. To initiate the return process, reach out to us here to submit a ticket. The customer must pay for the shipping label to send the item back to us. It's important to include the order number and name in the box so we can process the return quickly and efficiently. If we receive the item in its original condition, we will issue a refund to the original payment method. If the item is damaged or missing parts, we will contact you to discuss the next steps.

Damaged, Defective, or Incorrect Items

To ensure a prompt resolution, we require our customers to report any damages, defects, or incorrect items within 72 hours of receiving it. Please contact us immediately if you receive a damaged or defective product so we can address the issue as soon as possible.

Return Shipping

If you wish to return an item, you are responsible for the shipping costs and must pay for the shipping label. Additionally, you are responsible for safely and securely packaging the item for return shipment. We recommend using a trackable shipping method to ensure the item is delivered to us successfully. Thank you for your understanding.


We will issue a refund for returned items to the same card used for the original purchase. However, please note that we cannot be held responsible for lost refunds due to prepaid, canceled, or lost cards that you no longer possess. To ensure a successful refund, please ensure that your payment information is up-to-date and valid. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in our return process.


At this time, we do not offer exchanges. If you would like to return an item, please follow our return process to initiate a refund. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Have any other questions? Feel free to contact us.